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Chinese translation for "packing house"


Related Translations:
packing:  n.1.包装,打包,打行李,包扎;包装材料,包装用品;包装法。2.(缝隙)填料〔旧棉絮等〕。3.〔美国〕食品加工业;罐头业。4.【机械工程】衬垫;【建筑】灌筑。5.(电视)图象压缩。6.〔美国〕兵士的口粮;食物。7.【医学】包扎法;塞法。8.集合。短语和例子a packing mat 草包。 the packing industry 〔美国〕食品加工业;罐头工业。
pack:  vt.安插[挑选]自己人充任(委员等);拉拢,收买。 pack a committee 纠集自己人充实委员会。pack cards with 共谋,串通。vi.共谋;串通作弊。短语和例子pack2n.1.包,捆;行李;驮子。2.巴克〔一包货物的标准包装量,如羊毛为240磅,亚麻纱为60,000码〕;(一季或一年中鱼、水果等的)包装量[装罐量]。3.一堆;集合;大量,大堆。4
Example Sentences:
1.The show played to packed houses .
2.The brass band still plays to packed houses
3.Labor leaders say the cold snap could cost thousands of field and packing house workers their jobs
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